
the impact of video games in the society

the video game industry has had a great impact worldwide,  the level of technology has skyrocketed to points never seen before.   the medium-high level of our society is strongly affected by the videogame industry. generates changes in the behavior of players, which can be positive or negative recommendations:  It is not necessary to blame the videojuegos but to know them to use like a route of healthy entertainment. Choose better the content of the video games that they provide. Reduce the time used by video games and implement other daily activities. That parents dedicate time to play with children and observe their reaction to them. teach him that everything they see is not true and that the most important thing is to use our imagination. questions: 1. How many of you play video games? 2.. Do they play video games alone or accompanied (friends, couple)? 3.. What electronic devices (cell phones, consoles, at...

The impact of video games in society part 3

Third Term: conclusion Undoubtedly, the video game industry has had a great impact worldwide, both economically and technologically, since with the appearance of new games with high resolutions and complexity and their respective consoles, the level of technology has skyrocketed to points never seen before. On the other hand, the social aspect is also important, due to the great importance they have in humans and the constant struggle between their "pros and cons". The impact that videogames have had in our country, especially in recent years, is notorious. Although it is not an element that reaches all parts of our country, the medium-high level of our society is strongly affected by the videogame industry. Video games are a double-edged reality, which undoubtedly generates changes in the behavior of players, which can be positive or negative, that is why parents and educators should guide their use and take advantage of the attraction they cause. in them. ...

The impact of video games in society part 2

Second Term: repercussions of videogames on the daily life and behavior of children, adolescents and adults: The world of games is stigmatized with several topics about its ability to isolate people or encourage violence. However, more and more people who join play and make talking about a video game is not the task of a few marginalized but it works as an element of socialization, an element of integration. The idea that the video game isolates the individual begins to wobble; however, violence in games is somewhat more difficult to justify. Talking about addiction to video games is relatively new. However, cases of adolescents and young people with this disease have been reported. However, the biggest criticisms that fall on videogames are marked by the issue of violence. There are many fighting games or wars that are accused of fomenting violence. A fact that is also alarming is the number of murders or suicides committed due to the so-called role plays. However, this is a...

The impact of video games in society part 1

First Term: Since the beginning of time the human being has looked for ways to make life more comfortable and survive in a more efficient way, thanks to this idea our concept of technology and technology arises. said technology over time has created various forms of entertainment for the enjoyment of the different users who use it, among the different ways we can find: -the tv -the Internet -the movies -the videos and of which we will focus on this blog, video games. video games or etymologically speaking video games, is an electronic game in which one or more people interact through a controller (s), a screen and software. It can be presented in different types of electronic devices such as:  a computer, an arcade machine, a game console or a portable device (a mobile phone, for example) In this research we will observe the different types of impacts, causes and other issues related to video games, addictions to it and secondary symptoms to the high exp...