The impact of video games in society part 3
Third Term: conclusion Undoubtedly, the video game industry has had a great impact worldwide, both economically and technologically, since with the appearance of new games with high resolutions and complexity and their respective consoles, the level of technology has skyrocketed to points never seen before. On the other hand, the social aspect is also important, due to the great importance they have in humans and the constant struggle between their "pros and cons". The impact that videogames have had in our country, especially in recent years, is notorious. Although it is not an element that reaches all parts of our country, the medium-high level of our society is strongly affected by the videogame industry. Video games are a double-edged reality, which undoubtedly generates changes in the behavior of players, which can be positive or negative, that is why parents and educators should guide their use and take advantage of the attraction they cause. in them. ...